Thursday, February 7, 2013

Algeria Faces Effects of the Mali Conflict

       The Algerian government has moved to increase its troop count at the border of Mali. This is in response to the hostage crisis that took place January 16th. A terrorist group called Al Mulathameen seized a gas installation in the In Amenas gas field. The gas plant was operated as a joint venture by Algerian and foreign companies to include companies from Norway and Britain. Hostages were of different nationalities to include American, British, and French. The hostages were rescued after 3 days during a final assault by the Algerian forces. 23 hostages and 32 terrorists were killed during the hostage crisis.

        The reason that Algerian forces are being moved into the border with Mali is to prevent the intrusion of more terrorist groups into their country. The terrorists involved with the crisis hostage stated French intervention in Mali as a reason for their retaliation and takeover of the gas facility. Algeria allowed for the use of their air space by French forces.  As the conflict rages on and France continues to bring in forces and conduct air strikes, the Algerian government braces for the possible impact of terrorist groups moving into Algeria to escape the conflict.

The overthrow of the Malian government is taking its toll not only on the citizens within its borders, but we can see the overflow of effects into Algeria. Rarely are the effects of conflict contained by the country's borders. The violence experienced in Mali is creating a problem for Algeria and for other nations that are being dragged into the conflict. Policymakers must plan ahead to assess possible ways in which conflict in a neighboring country could possibly affect them.

The movement within Mali is not a peaceful one and the surrounding countries must expect to notice an overall increase in violence as the conflict continues to rage on especially with continued French support. Algeria is making strategic decisions to anticipate immigration to its country and taking preventative measures to insure that terrorist are being kept out. Ideas migrate beyond borders and as violence perpetuates in Mali, its neighbors could see increased violence in their countries as well.

Story: Algeria Beefs Up Army Presence on Mali Border. Aljazeera, 04 Feb. 2013. Web. 07 Feb. 2013.
Images:  "Algeria Beefs Up Army Presence on Mali Border" and "Militants' Goal in Algeria Gas Plant Siege: Giant Fireball"

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