At the start of the Arab Spring major protests broke out against the
monarchy in Bahrain. Protesters initially focused on greater political freedom
and equality for the majority Shia Muslim population, but after security forces
killed four and injured dozens on February 17, 2011, calls for the king to go
grew more common.
Over the next month, protests against the monarchy gained in strength
with 200,000, a quarter of the country's adult population, marching on February
22, 2011. The regime looked to foreign security forces for protection.
A day after these well-armed foreign soldiers arrived, the Bahraini king
declared martial law and a three-month state of emergency. The regime also
began late night raids in Shia neighborhoods. They've arrested thousands,
including bloggers, internationally recognized human rights activists and
doctors accused of caring for injured protesters.
The Bahrain monarchy, unlike the protests that existed around the Arab
Spring, Bahrain is being more systematic in their repression by targeting
instrumental opposition figures. They have completed this task in three major
ways; punishing teachers, targeting doctors, and midnight raids on opposition
leaders homes.
In their task to repress the teachers, the Bahrain monarchy views
teachers as “educators who are champions of human rights, democracy and
equality for all.” Therefore, it can be seen that Bahrain’s regime attacks on
the rights and freedoms of teachers can only be viewed as an attack on
education and human rights. Especially in the case that “Mahdi Abu Dheeb and
Jalila Al Salman, the President and Vice President of the Bahraini Teachers'
Association (BTA), were sentenced to ten and three years in prison respectively
by a military court in September 2011.” This repression of the figure heads of
the BTA seems to be a direct threat to other Bahraini teachers to reevaluate
their opposition and instead quiet their opinions.
“Bahraini authorities are carrying out home raids and arbitrarily
detaining opposition protesters in advance of the Formula 1 Grand Prix.” This precise
conduct of raids, suggest that officials are more focused with attaining protesters
out of sight for the Formula 1 race than with addressing the protests that have
led so many Bahrainis to take to the streets. These raids seem to be a symbol
as the Bahraini monarchy moving past the protest of 2011 and their commitment
to reform. Instead, it seems that Bahrain is once again focusing on creating an
atmosphere and country that is comfortable for foreign interest and not of the Bahraini
RULA. "Bahrain's Continuing War on Doctors." Foreign Policy. Foreign Policy, 10 Apr. 2013. Web. 2013.
Rights Watch. "Bahrain: Targeted Raids and Arbitrary Detentions | Human
Rights Watch." Bahrain: Targeted Raids and
Arbitrary Detentions | Human Rights Watch. Human Rights Watch, 10 Apr. 2013. Web. 2013.
Bayt News Agency. "Bahrain Punishes Teachers." N.p., 8 Apr. 2013. Web.
I find it pretty astonishing that the regime is targeting doctors as a part of their fight against opposition. I can see the logic, but also wonder if the price is worth the cost. It would seem that attacking medics and putting hospitals under military control would cause a great deal of social unrest. Do they expect doctors to pick and chose who they help based on political circumstances? Are they supposed to let die those who were harmed by the regime? When dealing with "medical neutrality" the regime is walking a fine ethical line and it will be interesting to see if their efforts against teachers and doctors prevents more chaos than it actually creates in the long run.